Saturday, July 28, 2012

What We're Learning in Third Grade

Here are the big units we will be learning this year along with a few of the activities we will participate in to build our understanding.

First Trimester

U.S. Government

The year begins with a unit during which students will learn to justify the purpose of government. Third graders will design a model that explains the three branches of government, write a class constitution, and celebrate constitution day on September 14th.  As a culminating project, students will decide the importance of a constitution, three branches, and levels of government while developing a school government.


Presidential Election

Third graders will learn to understand the role of citizens in the USA as they are taught democratic values. An extensive political parties simulation is the highlight of this unit. During the simulation, students will distinguish between facts and opinions, decide America’s most important issues, and support their stance on these issues. By the end of the unit, students will be able to infer how government gains its power from the people. 

Second Trimester

Our Community and Beyond

Inflatable globes, interactive Smartboard maps, and Google Earth are some of the tools that will help students will locate Earth’s key geographic features. Creating their own mnemonic devices for “North, South, East, West” and practicing cardinal and intermediate directions with our classroom will ensure students can determine directions. Large floor maps, “Stack the States” iPad app, and constructing U.S. maps with cut-outs of the states are some of the ways third graders will practice identifying the states.

Students will learn about the physical geography, climate, and natural resources of the United States. The Giving Tree will be used to introduce natural resources. We will compare rural communities, suburban communities, and cities. Third graders will choose between creating a 3D physical features community map or 3D product “made from” a community’s natural resources.

    iPhone Screenshot 4 

Third Trimester


A literature-based unit which includes selecting natural, human, and capital resources needed to start a business of choice and deciding our school's top 10 capital resources. Students will also take part in a supply and demand simulation and research imports and exports.

America's Neighbors 

We will finish the year learning about Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Students will discover the physical features, climate, natural resources, landmarks, and culture of one of the countries or islands of their choice. A postcard or commercial project with related souvenirs will wrap-up the unit. 

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